Monday, February 20, 2012

In need of...

I am in need of a back massage and possibly directly related in need of a work out.  I am sure my back hurts because I have not worked out.  Working a ton and applying for a new position doesn't leave much room for working out.  (Why do resumes and cover letters take so long?!)  This week my schedule was shaken up and I did not even make it to my normal Zumba classes.  I missed it Monday and Wednesday!!

My work out shoes are lonely

I'm determined to make some changes though.

(Edit: update as of Monday I got a massage and went to Zumba!!) 

Life is not going to be easy. So I work a ton. Oh well, that's my life right now, but if it's important to me to stay fit, I need to make the effort.  Today I put on my one size smaller jeans.  They are one size smaller than what I normally wear, but they fit okay with the exception that I get a bit of muffin top.  They were uncomfortable and I was frustrated, because I should be able to fit into these by now!

Don't get me wrong,  I am not over weight, but I also am not toned and that is what I want.  I think of certain areas of my body as jello-y.  I am the only one who can make that change and it needs to happen now.  Of course it is hard to kick the jello-ness when your grandma buys you treats like this:

These are just for my sister and I! Love my Grandma though :)

My excuses
[I don't have time to go to the gym, I feel guilty working out at home instead of going to the gym, I don't have time, I'm too tired, I want to sleep, I don't want to use my dvds, I'll do it tomorrow, I lost the weight I wanted to lose so I don't need to work as much]
need to be invalid.

Today starts a new week.  
It's on!

1 comment:

  1. It's awesome how interested you are in living a healthy lifestyle, but something you wrote makes me quite curious. When you say, "I'm not over weight, but I am also not toned and that is what I want," I can't help wonder why?

    Do you want to be toned because you view it as a sign of living a healthy life / being on the right track to living to 100? Or is it because you feel like it would make you more confident in your own appearance and how you think others will view you?

    If it's the latter, please be careful. That path can be dangerous as it may lead to goals that are impossible to meet as you continuously find other faults in yourself in need of attention. Remember, God loves you just the way you are, and you should too.

    Either way, I'm always here for you, and I'm glad you're sharing this journey with others. It's inspiring to read about your progress and the things you've learned. :)
