Friday, March 8, 2013

The SUN!!!

HAPPY FRIDAY!  I don't know about you, but it's TGIF for me! 


Sorry for the swearing, but that just cracks me up! It's winter in Michigan, but the sun is shining, which is really rare. Winter in Michigan means a lot of months of cloudy, deary days.  Once the sun starts to come out again, I instantly get happy and really start getting spring fever.

I feel like when I get out of work that I should be able to walk outside with no coat on, have a bonfire, talk a walk or go running outdoors!  Oh running outside, how I miss you!

Then reality hits

*Le sigh*  Soon it will be warm though and that is going to be awesome!

We'll be riding bikes!

Wearing flip flops, shorts and tanks!

Enjoying the great outdoors!

Camping at Ludington State Park - my favorite place in the world!

And enjoying gorgeous sunsets!
Summer please hurry up!!!

What do you look forward to about summer?

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