Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving Woes

Well my friends, Thanksgiving has passed.  Lots of yummy food consumed and left on my waist and thighs, I'm sure. I had two Thanksgiving dinners, with dessert at both. I will say I only took one scoop of each dish and only went back for seconds of fruit, veggies and my grandma's homemade stuffing, because it's amazing.

Then as a holiday tradition I spend Thanksgiving - Saturday at my grandmas, who had fun size candy bars everywhere!  I'm addicted to chocolate. I have come to that conclusion, because I kept eating them!! Or maybe I have compulsive chocolate disorder, because I would grab the candy bar, unwrap it and pop it into my mouth without thinking!

Photo from CookingLight.com 

Plus we went out to lunch to our traditional restaurant, where I got chicken fingers - breaded of course, homemade mac & cheese and I did choose a salad with raspberry vinaigrette dressing over my normal fries.  Then I spent from 5p Sat-9p Sun doing homework (with the exceptions of food, bathroom and sleeping breaks).  Sitting around for that long does not burn many calories!

You might be thinking so what?  Everyone splurges around the holidays!  The problem with me splurging is that I signed up for a health challenge with my employer's wonderful health and wellness program.  This program had weighed me before the holidays and will weigh me after the holidays.  The goal is that I stay within 2 lbs of my starting weight.

I pause as I take a drink of my grande chai tea latte....this is not helping, but in defense it's cold outside here in Michigan!
The good news is that along with my sister, I got back on the bandwagon, yesterday.  We went to the gym.  We did 35 minutes on the treadmill and I'd say at least 20 minutes on the weight machines.  And let me tell you I'm feeling it today! My arms, my legs, my back, my chest - I am sore everywhere.  But it feels good :)

I'll let you know how the challenge goes.  If I stay within 2 lbs of my weight, I'll get my $10 back.  The 2 lbs is on either side as the goal is to maintain my weight.  I weighed in at 132, which has me worried, because I am sure I usually weight in at 135.  I feel like that already has me a at disadvantage.

*sips chai* Yup I've got some work to do.

How did your Thanksgiving go?

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